In Books

The Big Blue Chicken & its dedication

It’s an exciting time for Whispering Bluffs! My third book, The Big Blue Chicken, is hot off the press and it’s been hard work finishing up the final stages of the process. It was so exciting to see the hard copy – and hold it in my hands! – for the first time. All those edits and final tweaks are done… sweet relief!

I’m really excited to share this piece with you. I was inspired by the story, The Little Red Hen, and my memories associated with that wonderful tale. Although the dedication to my mom in the release is short and sweet, I had a much longer dedication that I had considered publishing, but decided not to.

I want to share the original dedication with my followers and those interested to give a little more context to the inspiration of this latest book:

Dear Mom,

 You were a wonderful Mother Hen to all your chicks.  I will forever cherish the memories of the sweet moments we shared.  I especially remember how we snuggled together as you read aloud to me.  Books were an important part of our day.  The old wicker basket held many hard-covered and paperback titles.  One of my favorites was the “Little Red Hen”.  Dad had to tape the lavender cover of the well-loved, worn copy back together for us.  Even the pages of that pretty book had a distinct smell that was just plain good.  I remain forever grateful for your patience as you read and re-read that story over and over again to me.  Sometimes, when I listen carefully in the quiet solitude, I can still hear the sound of your voice.  Thank you for being so loving.  I wonder what you would think of this version with this ending?  The writing of this story has been quite the journey for me and I can only hope that you would approve.  I know your voice would be supportively telling me to write away and you may even encourage me by saying — “your heart knows the way”.

XO, From one of your chicks

Thanks for following along and for the wonderful support! It means a lot!


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